Thursday, October 29, 2009

Telecom updates their logo

Telecom (a New Zealand's major telecommunications provider) redid their logo recently to update their image.

They launched their new logo with an event called"Telecom Night Lights" at the Aukland's Ferry Building in October.

Their main reason for the change was to connect with customers by establishing a better identity for themselves. A press release stated:
“We’ve been speaking to customers who were strongly in favour of this new direction because of the freshness and commitment to change the new brand represents. So over the next few months you’ll see changes to our stores, websites, communications and advertising.”

“The brand is designed to be less about us and more about our customers. Where previously it stood for telecommunications services, wires and networks, it now reflects New Zealanders doing what inspires them, and doing it on their terms.”

I think their new logo is a big improvement for this company. It's modern and simple, but not boring like their old logo.

I thought Telecom did a good job with keeping their costumers in mind when updating the company's image. The logo change tells people that the company only improves.

They also followed through by unveiling their logo with a publicized event. Many people dislike it and feel a little betrayed/surprised when they find out that a logo of a familiar brand all of a sudden switches without prior notice. More companies should do this to keep that strong sense of brand loyalty. Presentation is everything.

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw your post, I thought that their new logo looked awfully familiar then I remembered that it reminded me of the logo of my previous college! You can check it out here: I think that the new logo is definitely more interesting, but I'm not sure if it will be able to convey its message as clearly as the old one.
