Thursday, September 17, 2009

Current Event: From Stonyfield Farm to Just Stonyfield

Stonyfield Farm, known for its organic dairy products, recently changed their logo. One of the biggest differences is how they dropped the word "Farm" from their name, and now refer to themselves solely as Stonyfield - but I'll touch upon that subject later. The other noticeable difference is the change in colors. The colors of the new logo are more bright and strong than the dull and faded colors of the old one. However, I prefer the colors of the old design over the new because I think the dull colors gave the logo an old-fashioned look and made it seem more personal. The new colors make the brand seem fake, as if it is not really organic. In addition, the colors are kind of distracting. The blue and the snowy white used on the new logo makes me think of winter, not of a sunny farm with cows.

One of the more clever changes on the new logo is how the letters 'y,' 'f' and 'i' are connected. I like how these three letters flow effortlessly into one another, but because I also liked the simple connection between only the letters 'f' and 'i' on the old logo, I do not think this was a necessary change. Also, as a result of getting rid of the word "Farm," the word "Stonyfield" dominates the entire logo in their new design. Admittedly, putting "Stonyfield Farm" on the old logo did make it seem a little squished, as if it just barely fit within the blue banner; but the font size they used on the new design seems too big. Combine that with the noticeably smaller cow they also changed, and the new logo looks and feels unbalanced.

Personally, I like the old-fashioned feel of Stonyfield's old logo - it looks more real, more personal and more thoughtful. The message got lost in the new Stonyfield logo because, despite the word "organic" plastered underneath the cow, the product does not look like it would be organic. Although the new design makes is appear more modern, I believe that the old-fashioned and conservative look of the old logo was what defined Stonyfield Farm products.



  1. Ahh, I also like the old logo a lot better! I don't understand why they put "since 1983" in the new one...that's not very long if you think of how many farms have existed for decades and decades.

  2. I like the old logo better too! I think the colors that were used in the old logo stand out more. The yellow used for the border around the text reminds me of rays of sunshine and cows grazing on a field on a beautiful day. The picture of the cow is also more prominent which somehow makes me feel that the cow looks healthy therefore the daily products produced by Stonyfield Farm will always be fresh.

  3. Here's what Meagan had to say on the other class blog:
