Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Before this semester, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. Did I want to do advertising? Journalism? Did I even want to be in Newhouse? (actually, that last one's a lie, I definitely knew I wanted to stay in Newhouse). But anyways. So I took this course with much trepidition, as I had heard that it was hard and involved a lot of hours. I imagined long hours sitting in the library studying for tests on typography and other boring (sorry Prof. Hedges!) things. I was very wrong though. Yes, we learned about that, but it wasn't a chore. There were examples in everyday life that I had never thought about, and soon I found myself analyzing the type and layout of an advertisement, instead of the new pink dress that it was actually advertising. The projects we did we useful, and everything we learned in class was actually utilized. We didn't have wouldn't have helped. Instead, we learned hands on in the labs and on projects. I've also never had a teacher so available for help and critique. Overall, I learned so much in this course. I never saw myself as a graphic designer, but this year I was so incredibly proud of myself, my work, and the effort I put in. This course proved that I could really motivate myself, and for that I'll be forever thankful. This course and Prof. Hedges influenced my semester and caused me to declare Advertising as my major. It also made me put CS5 on my Christmas List. So thanks Professor Hedges, for everything. You really made me enjoy this course. Have a good break, and see you next semester!

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