Friday, November 20, 2009

Vanessa Hudgens: Stripped

Christine Bae

Project: Magazine Project


magazine identity & readership:

My magazine, Ladies & Men is a fashion/entertainment magazine that caters to males and females of the young adult age, primarily 18-25. It is a good quality magazine that focuses on fashion such as high-end fashion mixed with affordable fashion that could be worn by both normal people as well as celebrities. It also features stories on people in the entertainment industry such as actors/actresses, musicians, models, etc who are profile worth. The intended readership is really for the younger generation to be entertained as well as informed about the different things that are happening in the entertainment industry as well as what the people in that scene are doing to make a mark in the industry.

magazine visual identity:

Through my magazine design, visually, I want to portray sophistication yet a comfortable and fun atmosphere to the magazine. I want readers to be able to see the magazine as a respectable and classy magazine, yet still entertaining and easy to read. The content in my magazine is also catering to the younger crowd, so it is filled with interesting stories, facts, fun images, and so forth. Overall, the tone of the magazine is a sophisticated, yet fun feel.

article visual identity:

Visually, I wanted to convey a easy and fun read for the audience. I wanted to make sure there was enough spacing and white space throughout the articles, as well as enough visuals to keep the reader from feeling overwhelmed with text. Also, I wanted the visuals to add to the experience and make it as important as the article itself.

article design strategy:

The content of my article uses a Georgia font, making it aesthetically pleasing to look at as well as it being easy to read. The print is also not too small, using a 9.5 font, making it easy for the readers. It's usually very unappealing when a font is too fancy or too small to read, therefore I made sure that the print was clear. Along with the article, I pulled out quotes that particularly would spark the interest of readers- something said that would be unexpected of the featured person, a quote that matches their personality, or just something the readers would not know about the person.

style sheet:

Cover Headline: Lucida Bright Demibold 120/144, 0 kerning, tracking 0

Lucida Bright Demibold 27/22.4, 0 kerning, tracking 0

Cover Teaser: News Gothic MT Bold 17/20, kerning 0, tracking 0

By Line:

DropCap “V”: Savoye LET Plain 9.5/13, 0 optical kerning, tracking -100

Jumpspread: Georgia Regular 9.5/15, 0 kerning, tracking 0

Jump Spread Pull Quote:

quotation marks: Lucida Bright Regular 49/58.8, quote: Lucida Bright Demibold15/15

Sidebar: News Gothic MT Regular 12/14.4, 0 kerning, tracking 0

Title head: News Gothic MT Bold 28/30, metrics kerning, tracking 0

Content: News Gothic MT Regular 12/30, metrics kerning, tracking 0

sources: (source of article) (black&white photo) (Zac & Vanessa photo) (opening spread photo) (pg. 2 pic)


For the opening feature spread, I played with the main image's colors to create a visually attractive and fun headline and deck. I wanted to play off the colors I was given in order to make the pages cohesive and unified.

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