Friday, November 20, 2009

anne hathaway: in the raw / mag project

Magazine Identity & Readership:
I envisioned my magazine as literary and fashion based. I imagined is as a mix between Vogue & The New Yorker. My intended readers are women, targeted age (20-45). However, in contrast to Vogue, my magazine’s identity is foused heavily on social issue and justice – in combination with fashion.

Magazine Visual Identity:
I’m highly influenced by photographers such as Richard Avedon and Diane Arbus and I especially wanted to convey that through my feature and jump spreads. I really like the idea of the old-school feel of black and white and I was lucky enough to find a high resolution picture of Anne Hathaway to implement that. The personality I wanted to convey was very raw (hence my title), and honest. I chose a very stilling picture for my feature and it contained the feel I wanted to express in my magazine.

Article Visual Identity:
As an avid magazine reader, I knew that I was drawn into magazines that utilized a lot of white space. Also I wanted a dominating image that would captivate the raders if they were just flipping through the pages, like many people do. I wanted the article to be easy to read – making the readers feel at ease.

Article Design Strategy:
I chose to do my feature and jump spreads on Anne Hathaway. The article that I based my design on talked about the evolution and transformation of a post-break up Anne. In my magazine, I wanted to reflect the frank conversations she had with the interviewee in the essence of my magazine spreads. The types that I chose in my feature spread complemented the organic feel of the picture that I chose, ultimately bringing together a cohesiveness through the picture and type. The color that I chose also was very important in the process of me creating my spread. I knew that I wanted to go with a feminine color, to reflect the classy and composed stature Anne Hathaway possessed, but I didn’t want it to be too overwhelming. I chose a pinkish magenta that I searched through the color palette that I thought complemented Hathaway’s own personality but also would be different from the black and white in the background. These choices were implemented throughout my feature and also jump spreads. I carried the pinkish magenta color and typography throughout the drop caps in my article. I wanted to make sure that the article wasn’t drowning in the massive amount of text that it had. Overall, I designed my article spread with the idea of it being very clean and simple, yet classy and understated.

Style Sheet:
Cover Headline:
“In”-Eccentric, 128.125/153.75, metric, tracking none
“the”-Spring LP Std Light, 128.902 pt/(154.682 pt), metric, tracking none
“Raw”-Eccentric, 128.902 pt/ (154.682 pt), metric, tracking none
Cover Teaser: Cambria, 17/20.4, metric, tracking none
“Anne Hathaway”-Spring LP Std Light, 30/36, metric, tracking none
Author Credit: Cambria, 18/20.6, metric, tracking none
Body Text: Georgia, 9.5/13, metric, tracking none
Photo Credit: Cambria, 15/18, metric, tracking none
Jump Spread Pull Quotes: Orator Std Medium, 19/20, metric, tracking none
Headline: Palatino, 26/31, metric, tracking none
Headline Teaser: Cronos Pro, 12/12, metric, tracking none
Photo Captions: Gill Sans, 10/11, metric, tracking none

Document Grid:
Before settling on the 3 column grid, I tried experimenting with the 2 column, 4 column and even 5 column grids. I thought that the 3 column grid fit best with the design of my feature and jump spread. It wasn’t too overwhelming and classified the information in a clean way.
The margins that I adjusted were also reflective of the design of my layout. I wanted a significant amount of white space to allow for an easy-flow when readers were flipping through the magazine.

I used 6 images throughout my magazine layout. I had two dominant image and 4 small images for my sidebar.

Anne Feature:

Anne Jump:

Anne Sidebar 1:

Anne Sidebar 2:

Anne Sidebar 3:

Anne Sidebar 4:

I kept my color selections minimal because I wanted to maintain the cleanliness of the layout. I used the eyedropper tool and took out a grayish black color from the first picture and used it as the background color in my sidebar. The pink I created through the color wheel.

1 comment:

  1. when i saw this i somehow knew it was yours haha

    i love it!!!
