Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lupton III: Grid

An example of a grid system used on the web is CNN's new website. If you would like to get a better look at how they implement a grid system visit

After reading Lupton's section on grids the system that CNN appears to be using is a multi-column grid. A multi-column grid has a complex hierarchy that integrates text and illustrations. CNN also creates zones for different kinds of content. A modular grid appears to be in place as well. There are consistent horizontal divisions from top to bottom and vertical divisions from left to right.

For the most part their website is effective as it is easy to navigate and engages the reader. I visit CNN's website every day and have to say that I like the new design better. The website prior had one large photo with the most important story to the left of the page. The rest of the information just seemed to fall to the wayside. Now CNN offers more stories at the top of the page by implementing three sections of breaking or important news. There is still a system of hierarchy as less pressing information is found the closer you get toward the bottom of the page.

A horizontal bar labeled "Editor's choice" engages the reader by encouraging you to read through the "top pics" or watch videos. Below the editor's choices are 12 boxes that use a modular grid system. Pretty basic without any pictures. Hierarchy is implemented by breaking up the information by topic and links are given for each story.


  1. I agree that the grid is very easily discerned and keeps things nice and simple. You can tell how the site is geared towards a very specific type of user. You can tell by the very clean, to the point set up that CNN is looking to cater more towards the professional or business person who doesn't have time waste finding something they need.

  2. The grid helps to keep the website clean and organized. It gets the message across and also highlights the more important subjects using hierarchy. I agree that it looks very professional as well because it gets straight to the point.
