Friday, September 11, 2009

Lupton's Letters - Typefaces and Their Personalities

It seems almost too easy to ignore the importance of typeface. I, for one, never put much thought into the typeface I chose to use. It seemed so minor a detail in comparison to writing the actual body of the text itself. However, it is the typeface that decorates the page and brings it to life, ultimately attracting the reader or pushing him away. Typeface, and the way it is used, is essential to successfully delivering the intended message of the text. To discard this "minor detail" and pay little attention to the typeface, therefore, seems foolish.

A typeface has many distinct personalities that are portrayed through small details. For the most part, I thought these details were insignificant. So what if one part of the text was bolded and the other italicized? What did that really mean? These details, however, can change the entire vibe, the look and feel, of a text. For instance, the Louis Vuitton logo can be recognized almost immediately by two letters: L and V. They put their Louis Vuitton logo on nearly every bag they produce, but they change little details in the logo that gives the bags different personalities. In the picture shown above, the same Louis Vuitton logo is used to decorate the bag, but in different colors. The first bag looks sophisticated, and the usage of only two colors suggests a more mature feel. The second bag, on the other hand, looks playful, and the usage of many bright colors suggests a more energetic and younger feel. The first bag probably attracts the attention of people who are older, and the second bag is probably targeted towards a younger crowd. The mere change in the color of the typeface, therefore, has different effects on the bags.

Without a doubt, I have underestimated the importance of typefaces thus far. Fortunately, reading Lupton's "Thinking with Type" helped me realize the distinct personalities of different typefaces, and has made me more aware of their versatility.

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