Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Post For Class

When I saw my friends doing Graphics projects last semester, I was really worried about how I would survive the class...I'm not too savvy with computers to begin with, and on top of that, I did not have any knowledge of the Adobe programs. Although I did take a Commercial Art class during my freshmen year of high school, which allowed me to explore creating projects through programs on the computer, I assumed that college level Graphics would be so much more difficult.
This class was definitely my most challenging, yet rewarding class in college so far. I was never a good test-taker so it was a nice change for me to be able to determine my own grade in a sense. I also had more motivation to do a good job on the projects, not because it was for a grade, but because it was my work with my name on it. There were many times I was frustrated with the programs and myself because I could be at lab for hours and come out with my project looking like I barely did anything; or I would end up having made two changes from a previous draft. Although I felt I put so many extra hours in, I felt like it was never enough.
I also feel like I learned something new about myself. I never thought I was a perfectionist, but through working on these projects I found that in a sense, I am a perfectionist and want everything "just right." I would basically be done with a project, but would spend another hour literally fixing the most minute details possible. I think this class has also taught me the importance of details, rather than the overall picture. It was most definitely a good change of atmosphere and study material from my other classes and although it was hard work and challenging, I secretly enjoyed it a lot!

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