Monday, October 11, 2010

More than Just Magazines

It has come to my attention as I´ve been walking on the streets of Madrid that magazines sold here are so much more worth buying than those sold in America. Aside from the small language barrier that obviously gets in the way of thoroughly enjoying a magazine, purchasing magazines in Spain makes the consumer feel much better about splurging. Whereas in America where one can purchase a magazine that may be almost as expensive as six dollars, some specialized magazines even being up to twenty-five or thirty dollars, here in Spain, magazines c0me with additional gifts, fun packaging, or other magazines. These extra items may be another magazine or a gift ranging from perfume, shampoo, lipstick, a toy, etc. Usually the magazine will play off its main story or magazine´s theme to match their gift to the consumer with some sort of relativity. For instance, a newlyborn magazine for moms would include a baby toy or thermometer for the baby, whereas a fashion magazine will sample a designer´s new shampoo line or a type of lipstick. What makes the act of buying magazines more fun in Spain than in the U.S.A is that the consumer can see that the magazine is trying to give you something more than just the magazine; it wants you to go the extra mile and make you happy with the freebies included. It also creates a relationship with the consumer, developing a trust with the consumer in hopes for the consumer to come back and buy their brand again.
Considering the decline of media publication in the U.S. such as in the magazine industry and newspaper industry, it is a good idea for companies to find ways to promote their publication, such as the magazines here in Spain do. It is a great marketing technique and has definitely convinced me to buy magazines in Spanish that I won´t be able to comprehend fully. Rather than raise its costs and shorten magazine lengths and their quality like some of the U.S. magazines have done, media publications should figure out ways to work with other companies to do promotions and make their product more than just about its one issue of the month; they should make consumers feel much better about spending money for the magazine and feel like they got their money´s worth.

1 comment:

  1. Good point but - what happens when the gift becomes more important than the content? Don't you end up depending too much on whatever freebie you can throw in with each issue?
